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Excellent, cheers!

Quote from ukbestrong on October 7, 2020, 1:57 pm
Quote from qualmy91 on October 7, 2020, 11:27 am

Hey @ukbestrong,

no I didn’t get any files.

How did you send it?

I just checked and got an undeliverable which I didnt notice 🙁

I’ve just sent it via wetransfer.

Hi @qualmy91

Just had an email that the zip file still hasn’t been downloaded from wetransfer and expires soon.


Hey @ukbestrong,

sorry I was super busy the last days. But I knew that I have to download it the next days.

Now I got it.

Will there be any problems with the license?

Need professional help with Asgaros Forum? Book an appointment with us at domra Web Solutions for setup and customization services. Learn more about our Toolbox for Asgaros Forum plugin to enhance your forum experience.
Quote from qualmy91 on October 13, 2020, 8:17 am

Hey @ukbestrong,

sorry I was super busy the last days. But I knew that I have to download it the next days.

Now I got it.

Will there be any problems with the license?

None. You can use it fully for testing 😊👍

Hi @qualmy91,

Great Plugin! Just a quick question regarding translations – would you be willing to upload the PO & MO files?

One other thing, a bit of an amateur question, I have used an auto subscribe code quoted in another topic.. would I then need to remove that code before using your function – is there the potential for conflict if I don’t?

Thanks again!


Hey @nim,

sorry for the short answer. I’m on a small island without decent internet and I didn’t bring my laptop with me.

If you want to help translating the plugin, please use the official website for it. I can’t insert your .mo or .po files:

There should also be no problem with your own code for the subscription.


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Need professional help with Asgaros Forum? Book an appointment with us at domra Web Solutions for setup and customization services. Learn more about our Toolbox for Asgaros Forum plugin to enhance your forum experience.

Hi @qualmy91,

No problem at all. I appreciate the reply. Island sounds nice – Enjoy!

Ok, ill proceed with providing translations via the official WP method. I guess it also provides for help to others who speak the same language, although I’m not sure if my local language will help much being Thai! 🙂

EDIT: is there a way to paginate the post history? Or does it do it anyway?



Hi Dominik,

can you make it possible to use the shortcodes [tfaf_history] [tfaf_activity] wihtout Ultimate Member please?


Kind regards,


Hey @ole,

unfortunately, that’s not possible because I need to get the user ID from Ultimate Member. If not the shortcode would not know for which user it has to render the history or statistic.

Where exactly do you want to use it?

Need professional help with Asgaros Forum? Book an appointment with us at domra Web Solutions for setup and customization services. Learn more about our Toolbox for Asgaros Forum plugin to enhance your forum experience.

Hey @qualmy91,

thanks for your reply.

My question was settled, I had a mistake in my thinking 😉

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