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Toolbox for Asgaros Forum

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Quote from qualmy91 on September 25, 2020, 10:59 am

Hey @ukbestrong,

I put this on my list to add to my plugin, but it would be impossible to do that without access to the extension for UM.

Perfect! Will reach you?

Yes, it will.

Need professional help with Asgaros Forum? Book an appointment with us at domra Web Solutions for setup and customization services. Learn more about our Toolbox for Asgaros Forum plugin to enhance your forum experience.

Hi @qualmy91,

Subscribe Users automatically to their own topics and posts functionnality is great !

I can not test it now so I ask you please :

  • Once the topic is created, when the page refreshes with the new topic displayed, the button is changed to “Unsubscribe”
  • The creator of the post can then unsubscribe thanks this button, or via the Subscription tab, normally
  • He can subscribe again manually… and unsubscribe again. => Everything like with the basic Asgaros subscription functionality.

Is that right ? Is there something else to mention specifically with your add-on ?



Quote from qualmy91 on September 29, 2020, 3:54 am

Yes, it will.

Did you get the zip file? ๐Ÿ™‚

Hey @ukbestrong,

no I didn’t get any files.

How did you send it?

Need professional help with Asgaros Forum? Book an appointment with us at domra Web Solutions for setup and customization services. Learn more about our Toolbox for Asgaros Forum plugin to enhance your forum experience.

Hey @alcandau,

the default behavior with Asgaros Forum is that the user will be not subscribed to a topic that he created or to a topic that he replied to. So the User would have to tick the checkbox with “Subscribe to this topic”.

My plugin set the subscription automatically, but it still allow the user to unsubscribe.

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Need professional help with Asgaros Forum? Book an appointment with us at domra Web Solutions for setup and customization services. Learn more about our Toolbox for Asgaros Forum plugin to enhance your forum experience.

Hi @qualmy91

Thanks for your reply. My question was more about the detail of the behaviour, but I guess it is like I described it.

Great add-on !



Quote from qualmy91 on October 7, 2020, 11:27 am

Hey @ukbestrong,

no I didn’t get any files.

How did you send it?

I just checked and got an undeliverable which I didnt notice ๐Ÿ™

I’ve just sent it via wetransfer.

Hi @qualmy91


Your toolbox just keeps getting better!

May I ask, I am also interested in the user being able to automatically subscribe to a topic after replying on it as per ukbestrong here:


Should I add the code laid out in the link above or will this now clash with some other code in light of the toolbox automatically subscribing an author to the topic?


Kind regards

Hey @timmy321,

this functionality is now part ofย  the plugin. Just activate the auto subscription.

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Need professional help with Asgaros Forum? Book an appointment with us at domra Web Solutions for setup and customization services. Learn more about our Toolbox for Asgaros Forum plugin to enhance your forum experience.
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