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Extend shortcode to show specific content only

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Hello @tectas

You are right, this is not possible yet. But I was already thinking to add some kind of “private”-option one day so only the topic-creator and moderators/administrators can see topics inside a forum.

I will try to add this in an update later this year and put it on my todo-list. 🙂

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I’d be very interested in an update thank you.

What would be an easy workaround to get the shortcode to work with other shortcodes on the page?

I am embedding shortcodes from ultimate member and from marketpress.

Hello @momreps

Asgaros Forum should work with other shortcodes as well without any problems as long as the other plugins allow you to integrate shortcodes as well. To use shortcodes inside of forum posts you have to enable the “Allow shortcodes in posts” option in the Asgaros Forum settings.

If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!

I’m working on integrating Asgaros forum into a course site I’m building and am having an issue with the shortcode. I have the overall form and want to create sub-forums for each topic in the course and add them at the bottom for the community. I have a single form added using the [forum forum=“FORUMID”] shortcode and it looks great. All of the links, however, append to the end of the current url.

Instead of

I end up with a link to

Am I missing something in the setup?

Hello @brandshouter

First of all: Sorry for the late reply.

The URL is always based on the page which contains the forum-shortcode. In your example the forum is located inside the lesson-page. If you navigate inside the sub-forum on this page, the base-URL is always the lesson-page because the forum itself requires a page on which it is running on (in this case the lesson-page).

If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!

How to delete my post? Can’t see any X button… 🙁

@profi666 In this support-forum only moderators/administrators can delete posts. In your own forum you can enable this feature in Forum -> Settings -> Permissions.

If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!

where do i get topic IDs?

Hello @habeebkabeer

The topic-ID can be found in the URL if you use non-seo-friendly URLs. As an alternative you can find it inside of the database as well in the wp_forum_topics table.

If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!
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