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Support for ClassicPress

I have used your forum plugin for several years on WordPress, but all my sites now run on ClassicPress.

ClassicPress is a fork of WordPress 4.9.x and is fully compatible with plugins that maintain backwards compatibility with the 4.9.x branch, but does not use Gutenberg.

My question is firstly, will your future releases maintain compatibility with the 4.9.x branch? If not, would you be prepared to offer a version that is compatible, to ClassicPress users?

You can see how it works with ClassicPress at ClassicPress.Club which is an unofficial peer support forum I have set up for ClassicPress.

I cannot ask this question at the WordPress support forum, because they very often ban users who mention it.

Hello @aussie

Currently I dont plan to break compatibility with version 4.9.x to ensure that the plugin can be used by as many users as possible.

However, new WordPress-releases also comes with new functionalities for plugin-developers which are worth to evaluate over time so I cannot tell you any date yet on how long the plugin will be compatible with version 4.9.x is. I also dont know whats the plan of the ClassicPress developers. If they also integrate new functionalities introduced by WordPress which are not related to Gutenberg, the chance is high that there are no compatibility issues because Asgaros Forum will not use Gutenberg-functionality under any circumstances.

If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!


Thanks. That’s great to hear and I will pass this on to the ClassicPress team. It sounds like there shouldn’t be any problems using it with CP in the foreseeable future.

Could I suggest you add ClassicPress as a tag for your plugin at, as CP is encouraging developers to do that, so searches for that tag will then bring up all the plugins that developers have said are compatible with CP.

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