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"Subscribe to this topic" not working

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Quote from Asgaros on November 29, 2017, 10:24 am

In the general forum settings: Is “Notify site owner about new topics” on or off?

Yes, this is on (checked).

Mh, I really cant reproduce this bug. I tried it with a lot of different account-types and setting-variations and its all working fine. On my installations I dont have any problems as well.

Could it still be possible that another plugin prevents scripts from sending mails to the admin mail? Have you also checked the spam-folder of your mail-account? Is the mail-address correct?

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Hi Thomas,

I know you’ve worked hard on this. Thank you. Answers to your questions:

Q: another plugin prevents scripts from sending mails to the admin mail
A: Not as far as I know. I will do a detailed and careful test of all plugins  if my plan (see below) doesn’t pan out.

Q: spam-folder
A: Nothing there

Q: Is the mail-address correct?
A: Yes

My Plan:

  • Please don’t spend any more time on this. I appreciate the time you’ve already spent.
  • I am thinking of eliminating the account with which I created the WordPress site. I’ve asked if this is possible in WordPress (on and the general consensus is yes, I can do it, and it’s okay. (I’m being cautious about this because I come from a Joomla background, and it’s definitely NOT okay to delete the account that created the Joomla installation!)
  • In any case, I will test another Administrator account I’ve created and see if notifications get through when fully subscribed to all forums and topics.
  • Then we’ll go from there and see what happens.
  • If all else fails, I’ll deactivate all plugins and activate them only one at a time to see what, if anything, changes.

Despite this one remaining problem, I’m happy as I can be with my Asgaros Forum. I’ve been talking it up with a lot of my friends, several of which are WordPress site owners.

Best Regards,

It does not work on my site. I recive mails, if a user create a new topic. But never, if a user makes a new answer for a topic.

it does not matter if I subscribed to the topic or not. It also does not matter if I have subscribed to the forum where the topic was created or not.

I am also an administrator and have created the complete forum structure. But my other users do not get any notifications.
That’s a pity, because that does not really keep you up to date.





@zydanielson, @springer

Another question for reproducing this: Are you using the user groups functionality of the forum?

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@springer: Do you get any emails at all to your Administrator account? From any other plugin or source? When a new user registers, for instance? If not, that was the problem I was originally experiencing and it was a WordPress problem, not a Forum problem. I could help you with that, if that’s the case.

@Asgaros: Yes. And you hit my problem right on the nose. I used a test subscriber to create a topic in a forum that is not in a group and I got the notice of “new topic creation.” Then I subscribed to the new topic (on my Administrator account), switched back to the subscriber and replied. And I got the notification of reply on the topic. So it appears to be working for me in forums that aren’t assigned to a group, but not in forums that are. Great debug job!

Oh, I just stumbled about this question by accident because I am currently refactoring the entire user groups-logic in preparation for categorizable user groups and a member-list which should be filterable by those user groups.

And I also think I found the problem: In the current spaghetti-code I check if the subscribed users are inside a user group when one or more user groups are assigned to a category. The thing is: An administrator doesnt need a user group-assignment to access any categories because he is the admin – so the check if he is in one of those user groups cant be true in this case. Thats why administrators dont get any notifications via mail when they are not assigned to those user groups as well. So I have to ignore this filtering-process for admin-users.

I already fixed this “by accident” on my local development-installation but I still need some time to complete my refactoring. I will try to release an update until the end of next week and hope that it is fine for you. 🙂

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WTG, Thomas. And of course it’s fine for me. You work so hard. I appreciate it. And FYI, my Administrator was NOT a member of that group. So I did a bit of testing on that. I put my Administrator in the group. And when I did, I got both New Topic and New Answer notifications. I really don’t mind the functionality working this way. So you decide what is best: fix the code, or add a piece of documentation about this somewhere.



Thank you for trying so hard to solve the problems, that’s really great and great.

Yes, I get mails from the system and have also subscribed to the mails as an admin. So if a user opens a new topic, I also get notifications by mail.
But not anymore, if there are answers to this new topic. It does not matter if I subscribe or not.

Another yes to the user groups. I have 2 forums, one for my teachers and the second for teachers and students. But I think that my students will not receive any notifications. My teachers do not get any.

I can also log in to different user groups for testing, if that is necessary and help with troubleshooting.

I have received the notification that there are new posts here in the Asgaros forum, also by mail. So it works in principle. Would be nice if it is only due to the user groups and you can also solve this problem, because otherwise the forum is really very nice.
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Hello springer,

yes, I fixed it already in the development-version but need a few days to release an update.

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