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Permission extension question

I want to set explicit permissions on different forum categories.

Currently I am using a page template for the forum main page to only allow access to a specific Active Directory group. Is there a way to specify a different page template for each forum category? For example, I want to set the page template for the category “General Forum” to “Default Template”, and the category “Faculty” to “<Active Directory Faculty Template>”.

I have the following custom code fragment that I use the following extension for the template for the active directory restriction:

include_once($filename); // Initialize $DefaultADHost, $DefaultADServiceAccount, $DefaultADPassword.
//Connet to UITS Active Directory
$ad=new UCM_AD();
$Group="CLAS_MATH_FacultyRegular"; // Authorization for regular faculty only!

if( !$found ) // person is not a regular faculty member!
   print("<br><br>Authorization denied!<br><br>");

Alternately, is there a way to extend the “Permissions” to allow for more than “Everyone”, “Logged in Users”, and “Moderators Only” to accomplish the same thing?


Hello kmarinelli,

I am sorry but different page templates for different forum categories is not possible at the moment. 🙁

For the next big 1.4-release I plan to introduce shortcode-arguments. With those you could show different categories on different pages. And for those pages you could define your favorite page-templates as well. You can follow this GitHub ticket to keep up to date:

Regarding permissions: There is a user-group script which works together with the User Groups plugin from Katz Web Services. This allows you to create and define user-groups for your different categories. Maybe it can be usefull as well. You can find the script – which I plan to include in the core-plugin one day – here:

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