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Notification email template issue and requests

Hi @asgaros,

I personalized my notification email templates and had some few comments.

#1 The fields nearly never work if used in the subject of notification email templates!

The only case where a field works is ###TITLE### if used for new topic or message notification.
But even this field doesn’t work for new mentions and no other field works in any other case.

It’s a pity. It should be improved, by making all names and title fields work for all template subjects.
For example, I would need to be able to use ###AUTHOR### for mentions: “ – You’ve been mentioned by Robert Smith”

#2 Do you have a full list of the fields we can use in those templates?

We can see in the code provided by default you’re using 5:

  • ###USERNAME### = Display name of the addressee of the notification
  • ###TITLE### = Title of the new topic or message – Only field working in subjects, except for mentions!
  • ###AUTHOR### = Display name of the author of the new topic or message
  • ###CONTENT### = Full HTML content of the new topic or message
  • ###LINK### = Permalink of the new topic or message

But any other?

#3 As you can see above, 1 field is not correctly named. ###USERNAME### is not returning the addressee’s Username but it’s chosen Display name!

It should probably be fixed by having ###USERNAME### & ###DISPLAYNAME### separated, respectively returning the Username and Display name.

#4 If not available yet, can you also add the following fields by default:

I’ve seen in the forum that some persons asked to remove the full HTML content even before you released the template functionality. I can understand it. It’s sometimes nice to have the full content directly in the notification to save time, but most of the time the HTML version is too much for emails.


P.S.: I’ll open a ticket for the issue and request part of this email

Hello @ftp

Thank you for your suggestions. I put them on my todo-list:

For the title currently only the title-placeholder is available. For the content only the ones inside of the default-text are available. The main purpose was to change the text itself more easily.

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Hi Thomas,
Quote from Asgaros on October 25, 2019, 7:00 pm

Thank you for your suggestions. I put them on my todo-list:

Yup, sorry. I did say I would open a ticket but I have not done it yet.
I was in fact waiting for your reaction to open a ticket only on what you would select to fix and/or do.

Quote from Asgaros on October 25, 2019, 7:00 pm

For the title currently only the title-placeholder is available. For the content only the ones inside of the default-text are available. The main purpose was to change the text itself more easily.

Sorry I missed the point for that.

Last thing. If easy, do you have a quick solution to allow ###AUTHOR### in email subjects?
A bit like the code you gave to add other fields ourself for the email content.

Thanks! 🙂

Not yet. Those codes are currently only working for the content-area.

If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!
Quote from Asgaros on October 26, 2019, 12:18 pm

Not yet. Those codes are currently only working for the content-area.

That’s maybe what I did not understood from your previous message, but it current works for ###TITLE### for new topic or new post notification?

Yes, the title is the only placeholder which is currently available hardcoded for the mail-subject.

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