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Keywords/hash tags/ etc.

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You can adjust the plugin-settings of the mentioned plugin to configure if it is clickable or not.

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Thank you! It seems to be working well. But you can’t edit or crop the image. There is no editing feature.

Quote from Yworld on May 23, 2017, 3:23 pm
Quote from ksc on May 23, 2017, 2:54 pm

Doesn’t work in my forum, did you do something special after installing Hashtagger?

Plugin settings only

Hi @Yworld,

Hoping to get a hand, I have just tried to use the hashtagger plugin you mentioned on a clients website and it is working great for standard WordPress posts but not in the Asgaros Forum posts, is there any particular action, or setting you used to get it working for yourself?

Thank you in advance


Hello @studio313

Just to understand it correctly: You want to add hashtags to post which should link to the correct belonging hashtag-page on twitter? Or do you plan to categorize forum-topics/posts by hashtags so that you see similar ones when you click on one of those? The last use-case is not possible.

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