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How to set up forum admin and forum moderators

I would like to set up forum admin / forum moderators who can

delete the topics that are inappropriate;

ban the users when necessary.

However, I could not find such options to do it.

Yes, I did check the user profile and it does not seem to provide the option. The moderator role was left by previous installation of bbPress. It does not do anything for me.

Thanks a lot.


Please advise.


I have the same question as Jing. How do you create a moderator?

Found solution to the issue. The Moderator role does not appear in the user’s backend if the user is an Administrator. Same might apply to other roles such as Editor or Author, I didn’t test those. This would be a nice tidbit to put in the documentation.

Thanks for this great plugin. Sent money to help support your work. Hope others are doing the same.

Asgaros has reacted to this post.

Great good to know! I was also looking for this feature!