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How to change the word Guest to Member?

Forum topics and replies by guests are attributed to the word “Guest.” I’d like to change that to “Members.” How can I do that?

Hello jpschwartz,

you can have a look at the following WordPress-extensions which allows you to change outputs to a custom string without modifying/adding code:

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I’ve looked into the plugin, but I’d be more comfortable with a script to put into functions.php in my child template. Can you suggest one?



You can try the following code:

add_filter('ngettext', 'change_ntranslations', 20, 5);
add_filter('gettext', 'change_translations', 20, 3);

function change_translations($translated_text, $untranslated_text, $domain) {
  if ($domain === 'asgaros-forum') {
    switch ($translated_text) {
      case 'Guest':
        $translated_text = 'Member';

  return $translated_text;

function change_ntranslations($translation, $single, $plural, $number, $domain) {
  if ($domain === 'asgaros-forum') {
    $translation = change_translations($translation, '', 'asgaros-forum');

  return $translation;


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