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Frontend Utilities Addon

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Thanks so much, your support is amazing!

Ill wait for the next update re the language file/profile photo 🙂

Sorted the CSS – very happy!!

The only other thing is the shortcode doesnt render the image in the correct place. In the screenshot it has been been placed under “Hi Rick Wilson’ and above the button to change profile photo. When the page is published it jumps up to the top of the page?

Thanks again for being so brilliant 🙂

Uploaded files:
  • 2020-05-15-3.png

Shame on me i forgot the ob_ functions …

// Custom show avatar shortcode
function affu_show_avatar_shortcode ($atts) {
  $atts = shortcode_atts(array(
    'user_id' => FALSE,
    'size' => '160px'
  ), $atts);
  if ($atts['user_id'] == FALSE) {
    $user_id = get_current_user_id();
  } else {
    $user_id = $atts['user_id'];
  $avatar_url = get_user_meta($user_id, 'asgarosforum_avatar', true);
  echo '<img src="'. $avatar_url .'" class="affu_show_avatar" width="'. $atts['size'] .'">';
  $display = ob_get_clean();
  return $display;
add_shortcode('affu_show_avatar', 'affu_show_avatar_shortcode');


Quote from Quenso on May 15, 2020, 4:37 pm

Shame on me i forgot the ob_ functions …

// Custom show avatar shortcode
function affu_show_avatar_shortcode ($atts) {
  $atts = shortcode_atts(array(
    'user_id' => FALSE,
    'size' => '160px'
  ), $atts);
  if ($atts['user_id'] == FALSE) {
    $user_id = get_current_user_id();
  } else {
    $user_id = $atts['user_id'];
  $avatar_url = get_user_meta($user_id, 'asgarosforum_avatar', true);
  echo '<img src="'. $avatar_url .'" class="affu_show_avatar" width="'. $atts['size'] .'">';
  $display = ob_get_clean();
  return $display;
add_shortcode('affu_show_avatar', 'affu_show_avatar_shortcode');


Just perfect 🙂

Thank you so much

Quenso has reacted to this post.

Some feedback from me!

This is one of the very best beta versions of a plugin that I’ve ever tested. Amazing support too!!

I love how its enhanced my community!

Thank you 🙂


Thank you very much for that positive feedback!


I have a small preview of the next Update.
It still needs some improvement, but it works already!

The next Update brings Ajax based Login, Lost Password and Register toolbars. – No more need for other plugins or changing Login and Register links.

Looks great!!!


Quote from Quenso on May 13, 2020, 6:56 am

Hello everyone,

Once again a small plugin u can use.
The download for the addon is provided via my homepage to give you access to automatic updates.


It adds a shortcode to display a profile editing page and redirects all backend profile links to this page. It also gives you the ability for custom user avatars.

How to install:

  • Just go to the download page
  • “Buy” the plugin for free
  • Grab your license key from purchase receip
  • Download the .zip file and upload it to WordPress
  • Activate the plugin
  • Activate your free license in WordPress Backend -> Settings -> Quenso Licenses to recieve automatic updates
  • Add the [af-edit-profile] shortcode to a page u suggest
  • Enter the slug of this page into the settings (WordPress Backend -> Forum -> Frontend Utilities)
  • Thats all – have fun!

Included languages:

  • English
  • German

To add a language you can use free software like Poedit. You’ll find the translation .pot template file in the plugins folder -> languages. If you want to share the language with others simply upload the finished file named qnso-ps-wpf-[language code].po to a post in my support form and i will add it in the next update. You can find your [language code] here.

Demo: My support forum is using Asgaros Forum and this plugin: Visit it

FREE Download:

Support: Visit my website.

Enjoy it!

Oh my goodness!!!! I could literally shower you with a hundred hugs!!

Thank you so very much. You are an absolute lifesaver. I tried different plugins that just didn’t work and I found Asgaros, which was perfect until I found out it couldn’t do the front end user profile edits. I searched for days and found no solution, I even re-installed bbpress & buddpress several times afterward to see if I could make it work for me, but found myself coming back to Asgaros. And then all of a sudden, today, I found your post. Simple, Easy, straight to the point, and it works.


@sophiandd You are welcome!


Version 1.1.0 is out now! I decided to upload the plugin to the WordPress directory to reach more people.

PLEASE!!! Delete the old version from the download via my homepage and use the one in the directory instead!

You will find the link in the first post of this topic. Thank you.

Loving the progress on this plugin!!! 🙂

I have a shortcode [af-edit-profile] which no longer works after the latest update?


Now you need this page with shortcode anymore. The Profil edit is now an Ajax overlay.

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