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Frontend Utilities Addon

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Quote from charlielugz on May 13, 2020, 10:22 pm

Also, can you use html tags if enabled in settings?  It does not seem to work unless I am doing something wrong …

I forgot to implement it.. i will update it later.

How can we help to translate this plugin to other languages? I want to help to translate do brazilian portuguese.

Hallo @quenso,

Danke fürs schnelle Fixen der beiden Bugs (Farben und Sprache).

Es funktioniert 😉

Beste Grüße


Quote from charlielugz on May 13, 2020, 10:13 pm

Ah this works great!  The only issue I have is the upload of a custom avatar so my users can avoid going to another website in order to get one.  Thank you so much!

Yes, I agree with this one too 🙂

Brilliant work, really well done!


It think you can use Loco Translate or POEditor tro translate and send your new files to Quenso.

The language file is located in folder language in plugin zip.

Quote from Thiago Santos de Moraes on May 14, 2020, 1:07 am

How can we help to translate this plugin to other languages? I want to help to translate do brazilian portuguese.

I’ve added a small tutorial in the first post of this topic. Thanks for your interest in helping me!

Update 1.0.2:

Custom user avatars are ready to go!

The images get croped to 160×160 and quality will get reduced within the upload process. It also deletes old custom avatars automatically, so u don’t have to care about space and performance. You can find custom avatars in wp-content -> forum-avatars folder.

Have fun with this!

Asgaros and Ole have reacted to this post.


Sensationell… Vielen vielen Dank!

Just installed and its brilliant!! 🙂

Thank you!

Is there an easy way to change the name ‘Avatar’ to ‘Profile Photo’?

My ‘Save Changes’ button has an issue with the CSS, any ideas?

Finally is there a shortcode to display this new avatar on a page for the logged in member?

Really do love this 🙂


Uploaded files:
  • 2020-05-15.png
Quote from ukbestrong on May 15, 2020, 3:14 pm

Is there an easy way to change the name ‘Avatar’ to ‘Profile Photo’?

Hello @ukbestrong

You can change it by creating a translation file for your language.. also english should work. But i think profile picture/photo sounds better. So i will change it in the next update.

Quote from ukbestrong on May 15, 2020, 3:14 pm

My ‘Save Changes’ button has an issue with the CSS, any ideas?

I haven’t defined a default color for this button so it will take the normal text color for buttons i think. You can change it with additional css:

#af-wrapper #edit-profile #af_profile_editor_submit {
  color: #COLOR;
Quote from ukbestrong on May 15, 2020, 3:14 pm

Finally is there a shortcode to display this new avatar on a page for the logged in member?

I’m not sure if there is a shortcode in WordPress core. But u can create your own shortcode in functions.php of your theme:

// Show avatar shortcode
function affu_show_avatar_shortcode ($atts) {
  $atts = shortcode_atts(array(
    'user_id' => FALSE,
    'size' => '160px'
  ), $atts);
  if ($atts['user_id'] == FALSE) {
    $user_id = get_current_user_id();
  } else {
    $user_id = $atts['user_id'];
  $avatar_url = get_user_meta($user_id, 'asgarosforum_avatar', true);
  echo '<img src="'. $avatar_url .'" class="affu_show_avatar" width="'. $atts['size'] .'">';
add_shortcode('affu_show_avatar', 'affu_show_avatar_shortcode');

You can then use [affu_show_avatar size=”100px” user_id=1] to show the user avatar of user with ID 1 in the size of 100px X 100px.
If you want to show the current users avatar in default size (160px X 160px) just use [affu_show_avatar].

After that to style the shown avatar u can create your own CSS with .affu_show_avatar {MY CSS}

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