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FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

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I cant see new posts/topics or modifications I made to the forum.

This problem is mostly caused by some third-party caching plugins (for example WP Super Cache) Please disable caching for the forum-page and everything should work fine again.

Users cannot register.

Please ensure that the “Anyone can register” setting is enabled in Settings -> General.

I cant upload files.

By default only files of the following type can be uploaded: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, bmp, pdf. You can modify the allowed filetypes inside the forum administration.

Where can I add moderators?

Moderators can be added via the user edit screen in the WordPress administration interface.

Where can I ban users?

Users can be banned via the user edit screen in the WordPress administration interface.

How can I show a specific post/topic/forum/category on a page?

You can extend the shortcodes with different parameters to show specific content only. For example: [forum post="POSTID"], [forum topic="TOPICID"], [forum forum="FORUMID"], [forum category="CATEGORYID"] or [forum category="CATEGORYID1,CATEGORYID2"]. Please check this topic for more details.

How can I add a captcha to the editor for guest postings?

To extend your forum with a captcha you have to use one of the available third-party captcha-plugins for WordPress and extend your themes functions.php file with the checking-logic via the available hooks and filters by your own. For example you can use the plugin Really Simple CAPTCHA and extend your themes functions.php file with the code shown on the following page:

I want help to translate Asgaros Forum.

You can help to translate Asgaros Forum on this site:

Please only use this site and dont send me your own .po/.mo files because translations and updates can only get managed effectively via the official WordPress translation tool.

You can also add missing translations directly to your website by using the following WordPress extension:

Loco Translate

Please approve my translations.

Translations cannot get approved by the developer but you can approve translations by yourself if you are a Project Translation Editor (PTE). Please contact me in the forums if you are a native speaker of a language for which you want to become a PTE.

How can I add my own theme?

You can add own themes for your forum in the /wp-content/themes-asgarosforum directory (for example: /wp-content/themes-asgarosforum/my-theme). All themes in the /wp-content/themes-asgarosforum directory can be activated in the forum options. Each theme must consist of the following files: style.css, widgets.css and editor.css.

Which hooks and filters are available?

You can find a list of available hooks and filters in this topic:

The word “forum” is appearing twice in my URL

No. The first “forum” term is the name/slug of the WordPress page in which your [forum]-shortcode is located in. You can change the slug of this page in the WordPress administration area. The second “forum” term is the view/area of the forum in which you are. The name of a view can be profile/topic/forum/search/etc. So a second “forum” term just means that you are currently inside a forum.

For a detailled explanation, please check this post.

My forum behaves strange …

Most problems are caused by bugs or a wrong configuration of other WordPress plugins or your theme. Before you report a possible bug please try to disable other plugins temporarily and/or switch to one of the default themes for testing purposes. In most of the cases the problem will be solved and it helps you to identify the reason for certain problems.

The style-adjustments from the Appearance settings are not working.

Please check the access-settings for the following file on your server:

You can read more about change the file permission settings for your server here:

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I am unable to integrate the forum with user registration plugins

Uploaded files:
  • screencapture-newenglandsledtalk-developer-2018-12-30-14_19_43.png

Hello @123456789

Asgaros Forum uses the user-management of WordPress so it should work out-of-the-box. If you want to use your different pages for login/registration you can modify the URLs. You can find code-examples here:

If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!
Quote from Asgaros on January 1, 2019, 9:20 pm

Hello @123456789

Asgaros Forum uses the user-management of WordPress so it should work out-of-the-box. If you want to use your different pages for login/registration you can modify the URLs. You can find code-examples here:

But where do we put those codes in our function.php?

Hello @kacalhoun

The best is to put it at the end of the file, but before the ?> if there is one. For example:

// Some code ...

// Your code ...


Or in case there is no ?>:

// Some code ...

// Your code ...


If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!

Users cannot register.

Please ensure that the “Anyone can register” setting is enabled in Settings -> General.

This is not visible within the settings tab. Can you advise of a way around this please? I cannot currently allow users to register.

Hello @ry_matt

You can find this option in your general WordPress settings, not in the Asgaros Forum settings.

If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!

I’m a native speaker of danish and like to become a PTE. I’ve added some translation to the danish languge but it doesn’t seem to change i the forum (see attached pics for documentations).

Best wishes

Uploaded files:
  • Skærmbillede-2020-03-27-kl.-01.38.31.png
  • Skærmbillede-2020-03-27-kl.-01.59.09.png

Hello @mark_kbh

Can you tell me your username which you have used to add your translations? Afterwards I can ask the languages-team to add you. But I have no control over if they will do it or not.


If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!

Hello, is it possible for an administrator to subscribe all users to new topics and forum posts?
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