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FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

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Good morning,
I want to delete these messages: You need to log in to create posts and topics.

I don’t want to register users.
The forum is to act as my insights from the world.


Allow Guests to leave messages in the forum in the settings.

I understand.
But I mean completely blocking the forum for external users.
They can only read and browse.
I have a bad experience with a former forum.
I don’t want to feel rudeness, profanity and other annoyances.

Best regards
– Marek Jarzynka

Good evening,
The message on the front side no longer displays on a yellow background.

– jarmar7

Hello @jeanne

Currently this is not possible and users have to opt-in manually for any notifications.


You can hide the login-message by adding the following code to Forum -> Appearance -> Custom CSS:

.notices-panel {
    display: none;


If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!


I have the box “Anyone can register” checked but when someone register on my forum they don’t receive any e-mail to conclude this registration.

Why is that? Does someone know why they don’t receive the emails?

Kind Regards

Hey @nmonteirozesteventos-pt,

please follow the steps from this post:

It’s a general problem with WordPress and how it sends emails.

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Hi, is there an option for the moderator or admin to move a message to a different thread (not a thread to a different subforum)?



Quote from Jeanne on April 21, 2020, 5:43 pm

Hello, is it possible for an administrator to subscribe all users to new topics and forum posts?

We also submitted a request that would allow an administrator to have a checkbox in the User Profile that would allow us to Subscribe News & Posts (Everything) for the user created. Thereafter, we can change the setting at any time.

Asgaros has made it clear that there will be no built-in automatic subscription of any kind; it goes against EU privacy law.

If you still want to auto-subscribe new site registrants to all topics and posts, put this in your functions.php:

add_action('user_register', 'af_change_subscription_settings', 10, 1);

function af_change_subscription_settings($user_id) {
    update_user_meta( $user_id, 'asgarosforum_subscription_global_posts', 1 );

This will not affect existing users.  If you want to subscribe new registrants to new topics only (not replies), change asgarosforum_subscription_global_posts to asgarosforum_subscription_global_topics.



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