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BuddyPress Integration v0.1.1

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Are there plans to keep this integration going? This topic hasn’t been updated in a long time.

If not, perhaps you could provide some alternate forum themes…

Does this still work? Is it up to date?

It was suggested here  for youzify profiles (buddypress) to connect (fully) with Asgaros forum

I love the Asgaros forum. It suits my needs perfectly and it would be fantastic if this is up to date.

Any up date on the above?

Hi @shewhobuilds,

It looks like this code snippet was created by Youzify (formerly Youzer), which is a different plugin. I recommend contacting Youzify directly, as I’m not familiar with their code and didn’t create it. I also don’t know what this code is supposed to do or how Youzify works.

Alternatively, you could test the code to see if it does what it is supposed to do or hire a professional to test the plugin for you.

Need professional help with Asgaros Forum? Book an appointment with us at domra Web Solutions for setup and customization services. Learn more about our Toolbox for Asgaros Forum plugin to enhance your forum experience.

@qualmy91 Thank you so much for the reply. I will do so.  Thank you for your time

For those wondering…

the code snippet is supposed to make Asgaros Forums profiles into youzify FULLY customizable profiles and make it so it Asgaros seamlessly combines into the member sections (replacing bbpress and its ugly set up).

Asgaros is a WAY better forum solution than  Bbpress . The code snippet is supposed to work by replacing bbpress in a  bbpress/buddypress/youzify set up.


the ZIP at the start of the thread is current and does work for the method I was asking about.

Youzify has updated their supplied snippet and it does work. My Asgaros forum is now fully integrated with buddypress/youzify profiles set up


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