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Toolbar for posts and display online users by name ?

Hello, to start thank you for your work, I love this plugin !!
I would like to know two things, sorry for my English:
1- it’s possible to put a toolbar for forum posts,  for put texts in bold, insert images ect ?

2- it’s possible to display the users connected on the forum by the name and not the number of connected ?

ps: I wait for the 1.5 with impatience, I hate to be able to integrate new role in the forum, it’s primordial for me !

Hello kwiz,

Point 1:

Do you not have a toolbar inside the editor? Did you disable the WordPress TinyMCE editor? Normally it should look similar to this:

Point 2:

I put this on my todo-list, but I cant give you some date when this will be implemented yet:

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Hello and thanks for reponse.

I didn’t disable “tiny mce”,

TinyMCE is by defaut on wordpress ?


The toolbar is present on the admin, for create pages or articles but i’ts not showed i my forum

Hello kwiz,

yes, WordPress is using the TinyMCE editor by default. Very strange. The only thing I can think about is some compatibility issue with one of your other WordPress plugins. Maybe you can disable them one by one to find out which one is causing those problems.

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