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Subscriber Numbers

Hi there. My group are loving the forum software, and it’s increased substantially the people that are getting involved in the website.

A quick question, is there any way of showing the number of people that have subscribed to each thread so I can gauge where the interests of the group are?

Hello @jasonlive

By default this is not possible. But if you have coding-experience you could write a php-script which checks for every topic-id in the database how many subscribers it has. For the get_users()-query you could use something like this:

$topic_subscribers_query = array(
    'meta_query'    => array(
            'key'       => 'asgarosforum_subscription_topic',
            'value'     => $topic_id,
            'compare'   => '='
$topic_subscribers = get_users($topic_subscribers_query);


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