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Sticky Post inside Topic

First of all, I love this Plugin! Great work!
I’ve checked the FAQs, this Forum, Google, etc but I can’t find an answer, perhaps someone can help me?

I want to know if it is possible to make a single post sticky inside a topic? I can’t find anything about this.



You have to write your post first.

You can then pin the post as an admin or moderator.

As far as I know, only the admin or moderator can do this function.


Nur ein Biker weiß, warum ein Hund seinen Kopf aus einem Autofenster steckt.
Only a biker knows why a dog sticks its head out a car window.


I’m able to pin a topic. I want to know if there is a way to pin a single post inside a topic so that this specific post is always the first post, no matter on what date it was written. Is this also possible?

I don’t think that works.

Maybe know that @asgaros

Nur ein Biker weiß, warum ein Hund seinen Kopf aus einem Autofenster steckt.
Only a biker knows why a dog sticks its head out a car window.