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Restricted Access

Is it possible to have a restricted forum that is for one user group only and not another.  As an example, I want all “members” to have access to a “members forum” but want “board members” to have access to the “board topics’ forum.

I agree with sifugreg. Taking it a step further, allow “member” to read the “board” forum but not able to post or reply.

Quote from sifugreg on February 23, 2024, 5:40 pm

Is it possible to have a restricted forum that is for one user group only and not another.  As an example, I want all “members” to have access to a “members forum” but want “board members” to have access to the “board topics’ forum.

Yes, just put the forum in its own category.  You can set the category to be accessible by selected user groups.