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Profile picture Avatar

Hello everyone, I would like to know why Asgaros does not implement a simple feature like uploading the profile picture. Many users do not feel like signing up for Gravatar to put a profile picture. I know that there are several plugins that can theoretically solve this problem, but they often cause conflicts and various issues: I even had one of these plugins prevent users from logging in. Other plugins worked but deleted the photos of users who used Gravatar. In short, a big mess. Currently I am using only the Gravatar option which is the one that Wordpress uses by default, but, I repeat, in my humble opinion it is unthinkable that a plugin as beautiful and efficient as Asgaros does not have its own internal system to upload the profile picture. Do you have any alternative to suggest? But above all, do you have any idea if it is planned to integrate this feature officially? Sometimes the simplest and most trivial things are the most appreciated by users. Gravatar is not a solution that people like very much. People want to upload their own profile picture with a couple of clicks at most.

I use Buddypress

Logged in Users are displayed with an Avatar and logged out Users with Gravatar, if available.

Nur ein Biker weiß, warum ein Hund seinen Kopf aus einem Autofenster steckt.
Only a biker knows why a dog sticks its head out a car window.

Hi both,

Yes, I plan to revamp the entire login/registration/profile section to make it more “native” and keep users away of the ugly default WordPress-screens. It will come with one of the next updates, probably starting with the login/registration sections which are already at an advanced stage from an implementation perspective.

JohnStaples, LucioX and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
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Quote from Biker on October 30, 2023, 6:32 pm

I use Buddypress

Logged in Users are displayed with an Avatar and logged out Users with Gravatar, if available.

I had also thought of using BuddyPress, but then I thought it might generate some conflict with Agaros …

Quote from Asgaros on October 31, 2023, 3:39 am

Hi both,

Yes, I plan to revamp the entire login/registration/profile section to make it more “native” and keep users away of the ugly default WordPress-screens. It will come with one of the next updates, probably starting with the login/registration sections which are already at an advanced stage from an implementation perspective.

WOW, this is really good news. Thank you very much. I look forward to these interesting updates

Hello! While you’re in the process of updating, please allow the option of having non-rounded avatars throughout. I find them ugly, and they ALWAYS crop everyone’s square or rectangular images.



Citazione da Asgaros il 31 ottobre 2023, 3:39

Ciao a entrambi,

Sì, ho intenzione di rinnovare l’intera sezione login/registrazione/profilo per renderla più “nativa” e tenere gli utenti lontani dalle brutte schermate predefinite di WordPress. Arriverà con uno dei prossimi aggiornamenti, probabilmente a partire dalle sezioni login/registrazione che sono già in fase avanzata dal punto di vista implementativo.

Hi, sorry to bother you, I wanted to know if there is any news.
Have a good day.

Quote from Asgaros on October 31, 2023, 3:39 am

Hi both,

Yes, I plan to revamp the entire login/registration/profile section to make it more “native” and keep users away of the ugly default WordPress-screens. It will come with one of the next updates, probably starting with the login/registration sections which are already at an advanced stage from an implementation perspective.

This is very exciting news! Any estimated timeline for this release? Thank you!!