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prefix for topics

good evening

can we put prefix to the new topics of the forum?

best regards

Hello @team76

Can you give an example what exactly you mean with a prefix? A certain prefix in front of the title or some kind of status?

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yes that’s it, in front of the title


sorry for English, I use a translator, I only speak French

Hello @team76

Basically its possible to add some certain kind of prefix automatically with a custom code (you have to add it to your themes functions.php file) like the following:

function my_prefix($subject) {
  return 'my prefix - '.$subject;
add_filter('asgarosforum_filter_subject_before_insert', 'my_prefix');


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Is it possible to put an select field before the subject field on add topic form?

So that the user can select a prefix wich is shown via this function?


Kind regards,
