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New Role

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Hello guys,

i have a problem with set a new Role into a Forum Categorie,… here the szenario,.. :

I download a Plugin to set more roles to my membership, the new role is “special User”, now will go to the forum, and create a new category, calls “intern”, and set access for my new created role “special user”, but there is no more roles inside, only moderators and redaction. Where is the problem? Maybe the Forum do not accept more then the standard roles?

We have uninstall the forum, and created the new role, and install the forum again, and checked to create a new Cat. with our new Role… but it does’t works. Maybe its not possible to give more roles in this board?

Sorry for my bad english, here my post in German again:

Wir haben ein Plugin aus der WP Seite geladen, welches uns erlaubt mehr Rollen für die Benutzer anzulegen. Dies haben wir gemacht, und es gibt nun eine weitere Rolle, welche sich “special User” nennt, diese möchten wir dem Forum den Intern Bereich zuweisen,… also gehen wir wieder in die Foren Struktur und legen dort eine neue Kategorie “Intern” an, aber dort können wir leider die neue User Rolle nicht auswählen, woran liegt das?

Was ich bereits versucht habe, dass Forum nochmal komplett zu deinstallieren und nach der Erstellung der Rolle erneut zu installieren, dennoch werden nur die Standard Rollen angezeigt… Ist es überhaupt möglich separate weitere Rollen ins Forum zu Integrieren?

Greets systematic

Hallo systematic,

spezifische Rollen lassen sich momentan noch nicht zuweisen, allerdings plane ich, Benutzergruppen in das Forum zu integrieren.

Falls Ihr möchtet und interne Benutzer die Rechte besitzen dürfen, könntet ihr diese die Forum-Moderatoren-Rolle im Profil zuweisen und eine Kategorie für Moderatoren erstellen.

Eine andere Möglichkeit wäre, das Forum in Seiten über Shortcode-Parameter einzubinden und für spezielle Benutzerrollen eine eigene Seite zu erstellen, in welchem nur die entsprechende Kategorie über ein Shortcode-Parameter eingebunden wird, siehe dazu folgendes Thema:

Extend shortcode to show specific content only

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Hi, I try there just because maybe someone else will need it but how did you create new roles for the forum?

I want to manage more groupe with different permissions on my forum but can’t find how =)

Hello Anaon,

User groups will come with the upcoming v1.5 release. Roles in a future release. But I have no ETA yet for the last one.

If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!

Thank you, User groups would be enough for now so I’ll wait!

Do you have an idea when the 1.5 will be release? I’ll wait on it to open my forum for the public!

I am on a trip until mid of April, so I guess it could be ready at the end of April.

If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!

thank you, I’ll wait 🙂

have a nice trip!

Hello – sorry to jump in on this thread.
I think maybe is same question I have,,,

Restriction of forums based on user group role?


i.e. I have user group called registered users (logged in) and super registered users

I want super registered users to see a forum that registered users cannot see, is this same question?

Also is there a way so that ONLY super registered users can set a signature?

I am testing this forum out, as I currently have phpbb intergrated into my wordpress site and so far I LOVE THIS FORUM – great work !!!

This problem is the only thing stopping me making this forum live and getting rid of phpbb 😀

Thank you

Hey, I’ll answer with what I did for now!

The last update sadly didn’t implemented this thing (or I missed something in the patch note) so for now, you can’t do this.

For me, I used Members to manage the access to the forum page and for now, I opened it only for the registered users.

If you want to open the forum to the public and manage a private part, you have to wait too !

Hello everyone,

yes, I couldnt include it in the last minor-update because I had to fix some problematic performance-issues as fast as possible before.

User groups integration is on a good way and almost done. It will definitely come in the upcoming v1.5 release (during may I think). You can track the following GitHub-ticket to stay up2date:

If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!
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