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Need another "open" string for closed topics

Hi Asgaros.

What the title of the topic says, thats because the word “Open”  can be used both as a verb and as an adjective, but in spanish no, we need another string for the action “open” topic, like Close (cerrar) and Closed (Cerrado)


In the forum list you see “Open” in the status of the forum, thats be “Abierto” in spanish.

In the topic list a closed topic you have a “Open” option, that will be “Abrir” in spanish

I hope I can explain 🙂


Hello @n3k0

Thanks for the info. Actually I cannot change this directly because as far as I know there is no official way in the WordPress-API to use different translations for the same “word”. So I have to change the terminology a bit in a future update.

Do you have any ideas for some alternative english wording without using long/multiple words?

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In the status can be the word “Opened”, but im not a natural english speaker, so how about someone can confirm this 😛

Forum Status: Closed / Opened
Topic Option: Close / Open


Asgaros has reacted to this post.

Thats actually good and it will be fixed in the upcoming update:

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