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Let user posting as guest but need the leave name and email?

Anyway to let guest posting or reply as a guest but let them leaving name and email? Because some people might not like the registration process.



How about facebook or google integrate login? I like that readers can easily leave a comment, it includes their name and image, and they don’t have to sign up for my site (though I encourage them to). It’s great for encouraging people to leave comments.

I’m leaning toward getting for our forums – but would love the same functionality. It would be cool if people could just post, through facebook, without having to log in or register on my site. I want it super easy for drive-by readers to post (and it’s easy to control spam through facebook).

Is there any way to do that with Asgaros


Any registration plug-in and input from social networks

Quote from Yworld on July 13, 2017, 7:47 pm

Any registration plug-in and input from social networks

Which mean i need to install a social network plugin?

Yes, there are already plugins which integrate social-registraion-services into WordPress. Basically its nothing forum related because it affects the general user-management in your WordPress system. Thats why a direct integration into the forum would be the wrong place.

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