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How can I set up a forum?

I’ve installed and activated the Asgaros plugin. In the menu, I can set up the options and user groups. But, nothing happens when I click on categories. And, then I can’t figure out how to set up the structure of a forum. There is nothing on the “[forum]” page except for a tiny box with “Forum” in it. If I click on that, it just takes me to the same page.

Hello Jeff,

does the editor for a new category appear when you press the “Add Category” button in the structure administration?

If not, try to disable other plugins. Maybe some of them are causing some JavaScript errors.

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Nothing happens when I click on “Add Category.” And, I only have essential plugins. This response is reminiscent of Microsoft telling me to remove all other software from my early Mac so that Word would function correctly. I’m probably just going to use another forum plugin that works. Thanks.

There could be two reasons why nothing happens after clicking on “Add Category”:

  • You have JavaScript disabled in your browser (I think this is not the case because you can add User Groups)
  • Or: There is a JavaScript error caused by something which prevents the JavaScript code of my plugin working correctly

The second point is a common issue related to a couple of third-party WordPress plugins which are not maintained since a long time or are not compatible with the latest version of WordPress.

Instead of arguing that your plugins are all “essential” you should give it a try. Checking JavaScript errors in your browser or deactivating (I dont talk about uninstalling) other WordPress extensions for testing purposes doesnt cost you more than one click and five seconds in WordPress this days.

If you dont want to accept constructive feedback and help: Feel free to use those five seconds in finding another great working forum-extension which is compatible with your essential plugins. 🙂

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There are more than two reasons. I got rid of all plugins and it still didn’t work.

And, you’ve got to get away from this arrogant, techie, I-know-everything approach. I’ve probably been working with computers and programming longer than you’ve been alive. But, I’ve moved on….

There is something wrong with your plugin. I’ve found one that works and I’m sure I can find others.

And, you’ve got to get away from this arrogant, techie, I-know-everything approach.

I gave you some possible solutions which fixed the problem for 95% of the users who had similar problems before. Instead of complaining about my answer a simple response like “No, this didnt resolve the problem for me.” would be more helpful to find another way to fix this possible bug. As you can see I am not the only one who has to work on his bad behaviors. 😉

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