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How can I set moderation for polls?


Your new forum version 1.14 has poll function and I can chose who is able to use this function. For now all members or moderator. But how can I set who is a moderator?

Second it would be great if I can choose more user rolls. I work with WP and BP recent versions and plugin User Role Editor.

I appreciate any help 🙂

Kindest regards,

Hello @per4mance

Further improvements for roles and permissions are planned for future updates.

You can set moderators via the WordPress backend-profile of a user. The profile has a dropdown called “Forum Role” which can be used to change the role of a user:

Uploaded files:
  • mod.PNG
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Hi @asgaros

I wonder whether it is possible to set an end date/time on a poll, after of which nobody will be able to cast a ballot. In addition, after the end of voting, is it possible to display the results?



Hello @andreasml

Those enhancements are on my todo-list. 🙂

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