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Having an issue setting forum up.

I am new to Woerdpress, I am trying to get the forum setup. I have the plugin installed I have a page designed, but when I go to copy the code in the page I do not see an HTML editor. I see the text editor and I tried using the <code> tag and pasting in in there but it just shows up as text. Please help.

Quote from jimwilder on July 7, 2017, 11:28 pm

I am new to Woerdpress, I am trying to get the forum setup. I have the plugin installed I have a page designed, but when I go to copy the code in the page I do not see an HTML editor. I see the text editor and I tried using the <code> tag and pasting in in there but it just shows up as text. Please help.

This is all you need…….   [forum]

in the text editor just type in : [forum] and save the page…

Where do someone comment on that page I tried to test it but cannot