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Forum shorcode links not working

Hi there,

I love the look of this forum, and it all works however one element does not – embed shorcode links. and I could use some help to resolve the issue:

The main forum is set up under -lets say – URL and it all works great.

However when I try to embed the forum shortcode ( [forum forum="5"] ) on another page as an extra content – the links at the front end do not work. To explain –

Lets say the page where I want this forum to be displayed as additional item URL is: – where the forum shortcode is embeded (this is not the main forum) – and when topic links are clicked from this page to view the topic – the topic URL then appears as: – and it says “page not found” . From what I gather the clicked topic URL should exclude the /normal-page/ part and should simply be

Could you please help?