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Quote from Asgaros on January 31, 2022, 7:17 am

Hello @cyret

Was it working before?

Hello @asgaros, the bug don’t fix with this update…to embed video or spoiler is automatically erased and I edit a post the code to images is modified (I put an image). Thanks.

Uploaded files:
  • Captura-de-pantalla-2022-01-31-a-las-10.10.59.png

Hello @cyret

I will have a look.

A spoiler!

By the way: Here it works without any issues. Please check if this issue is caused by another plugin or security-setting.

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Everything works for me too…

Nur ein Biker weiß, warum ein Hund seinen Kopf aus einem Autofenster steckt.
Only a biker knows why a dog sticks its head out a car window.
Citação de cyret em 31 de janeiro de 2022, 10h16
Citação de Asgaros em 31 de janeiro de 2022, 7h17

Olá @cyret

Estava funcionando antes?

Olá @asgaros, o bug não corrige com esta atualização… para incorporar vídeo ou spoiler é apagado automaticamente e eu edito um post o código para imagens é modificado (coloco uma imagem). Obrigado.

Hello, Friend
I had a similar problem. It was the header security tags in the .HTACCESS file.

Hope this helps.

I have the same problem. It works with wordpress articles but not with asgaros forum since january 2022.

After many hours searching to resolve this problem, I found a solution. NO!!! It worked once for a test it doesn’t work anymore:

I downloaded the Asgaros Forum plugin here : and went to my admin, add plugin. The last version of the plugin was installed and I replaced it with the one I downloaded.


Worked once and still don’t work. No video appears in the forum. Videos appears on the articles.

The only purpose of my forum is to show musical videos, concerts… Videos of old subjets before 2022 are still showned. No videos since 2022.

Quote from choupana on February 4, 2022, 12:48 am

Hello, Friend
I had a similar problem. It was the header security tags in the .HTACCESS file.

Hope this helps.

Hello, it is very interesting.
Can you say more about this ?

Hello, I have exactly the same problem. The iframes disappear when I post in the forum. In the artcile or wordpress page it’s ok but in the forum, the posts don’t accept youtube or other iframe integration anymore. it makes them disappear completely as if I didn’t put them there. It’s very strange, some time ago it worked very well.
I deactivated all the plugins, but the problem remains the same.
If anyone has an idea, I’d love to hear it.
Thanks for your help.


With the help of google translate, I see this is the same problem as described here in german 3 years ago :

I copy the link <iframe src=”…

In the source code I see <iframe src=”//…

So I add https:  <iframe src=”…    and see the youtube video on my subject

I send the subject and the video is not here and, in the source code the iframe has disappeared.

Sorry for my bad english, I hope my message is clear.



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