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Edit profile link

Hi! I notice thant in the profile section of the forum theres a hyperlink that says “edit profile” but it points to “mypage/wp-admin/profile.php”, even if the actual profile isnt an admin one. I been looking everywere to change this but cant manage to find a way to change it so it goes to the user profile, or in case that couldnt be done, erase the “edit profile” option. Somebody has any clue?

Hello @exmachina

The link points to the correct location. The backend is the default profile-management location for every user. It has nothing to do if an user is an admin or not. Normal users can edit their profile there as well which doesnt mean that he have access to any other admin-pages. The only thing a default user can do there is to edit his own profile.

If you want to change this url you have to use the available WordPress filter for it:

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Yes, i notice that later here but already posted it, got it working now editing theĀ edit_profile_url, thank you very much!

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