Please or Register to create posts and topics.

Change 'Please Login or Register to create posts and topics.' text


When a user is not logged in, they will see the message ‘Please Login or Register to create posts and topics.’

How can I change this message?

admin7764 has reacted to this post.

Hey @fanste,

you can use the plugin “Say What?” to change this string:

Say what?

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tnx, but where can I find the string that I have to change?

Hey @fanste,

please use the following details:

Original string: Please %s or %s to create posts and topics.

Text domain: asgaros-forum

Then put your new text in “Replacement string”. The link to login is the first %s and register the second %s. So if you want to get: “Please login!” where login is the link to login you would have to use “Please %s!” as replacement string.

Just let me know if you need some further help.

fanSte and Tark Henderson have reacted to this post.
fanSteTark Henderson
Need professional help with Asgaros Forum? Book an appointment with us at domra Web Solutions for setup and customization services. Learn more about our Toolbox for Asgaros Forum plugin to enhance your forum experience.

Hi @qualmy91

That worked, tnx!

qualmy91 has reacted to this post.


We are a small NPO Community Association and have Say What – Free edition.

Entered the data you showed.. but it is not replacing the string.  Any guesses on what might be going wrong.


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