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Can I hide categories ?


I would like to hide some categories for groups in order to have one forum page.

So all users go on the same page and just see the categories they can access (instead of having one page per groups with restrictions on the pages)

For exemple :

[forum category="1"]

/* if the user is an administrator */

[forum category="1,2"]

/* end if */

Hello Maximus,

there are options for categories in the structure-administration where you can define that only administrators/moderators have access to it. If you have additional user-groups for normal users, you have to wait for the upcoming v1.5 release which brings an user-group functionality.

If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!

Ok, thanks for your quick help.

I will keep all my pages for the moment to manage my groups and wait for the v1.5

And by the way, that’s a very good plugin 😉


in the latest test-version you can use usergroups in combination with the User Groups plugin from Katz Web Services ( I will implement that library into core in a few days as well so there will be no need for that plugin in the future.

You can download the test-version here:

If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!