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BuddyPress Integration v0.1.1

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Hello everyone,

I am happy to announce version 0.1.1 of the Asgaros Forum BuddyPress-Integration plugin.

Which features are included?

  • Adds new activity when there is a new post
  • Adds new activity when there is a new topic
  • Adds new activity when a topic gets approved
  • Deletes an activity when a post got deleted
  • Deletes an activity when a topic got deleted
  • Disable comments-area for activities created by Asgaros Forum
  • Registers filters in the activity-overview of users
  • Add new notifications when there is a new post
  • Deletes notifications for a deleted post
  • Marks a notification as read when opened
  • Replace profiles with BuddyPress ones
  • Add private-messaging link to the post-author area

How to install BuddyPress Integration?

  • Download the .zip-file below
  • Extract the content
  • Upload the asgaros-forum-buddypress file into the wp-content\plugins folder of your WordPress installation
  • Activate the Asgaros Forum BuddyPress-Integration plugin in the WordPress backend

Why is the BuddyPress Integration not included in the Asgaros Forum-plugin?

Developing integration-plugins for other third-party extensions requires a lot of work. Those plugins are getting updated regularly which brings the requirement to test the integration-plugins which every update of the third-party extension as well as after updates of WordPress and Asgaros Forum. To ensure that those complex additions do not break the core of Asgaros Forum, this integration-plugin is currently provided as a stand-alone extension. It is possible, that it will be included in Asgaros Forum in the future when the integration-plugin reaches a stable state. However, there is no guarantee for it because I also want to ensure to keep the core of Asgaros Forum as small as possible and third-party integrations are only of interest for a minority of users.

Which version of Asgaros Forum is required?

This plugin requires at least Asgaros Forum v1.14.11.

Which version of BuddyPress is required?

This plugin requires at least BuddyPress v4.3.0.

Where can I post bugs or suggestions?

Just answer in this topic. The first post will get updates as soon as a new updates becomes available.

Known Bugs

  • Users can see topics/posts inside of the activity-stream which are not accessible for them



  • Use asgaros-forum-buddypress text-domain for translations
  • Ensure that Asgaros Forum is loaded before loading BuddyPress Integration
Uploaded files:
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You said that the plug in would change our profiles to BuddyPress profiles.  Does this take place automatically or do we have to perform some manual process?

Thanks for all your effort on this.

Al Olme

Hello @gespanne

In the current version the profile-links get just replaced so that they point to the BuddyPress-profiles instead to the Asgaros Forum-profiles. Also keep in mind that the current version basically is a work-in-progress version, thats why it is not directly included (yet) in the core of Asgaros Forum. A more seamless integration can be included in future updates.

If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!

So, if I understand correctly, new BuddyPress profiles would have to be created?

@gespanne BuddyPress can automatically show profiles based on the existing user-data in WordPress – which works the same as in Asgaros Forum. No manual creation is required. For example it can look like the following:

Uploaded files:
  • buddypress-profiles.PNG
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If I quote a forum message, will a notification be sent to the user who posted the message?

Hi @asgaros

I have installed the plug-in, but notifications telling me who visited my profile are not reflected on the screen. This means that notification posts do not appear. These notifications appear when I disable the plug-in.

when the plugin active :

when the plugin is inactive :

Who clicked at my Profile? – I’m using this plugin

Also , I think the same problem occurs when adding as a friend. Friend insertion notification does not appear when the plugin is active.

Currently only the topic-author gets notified about new answers. For all other users I suggest you to use the mentioning-functionality.

The missing notifications should not happen. However, I only tested the integration with BuddyPress v4.3. Not sure if newer versions require any changes.

If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!

Do you need to install BuddyPress and your Asgaros Forum BuddyPress plugin? It is worth Asgaros and installed your Asgaros Forum BuddyPress plugin – the error does not work at all.

Hello @mrs_olga

Yes, the BuddyPress plugin must be installed as well. However you should try to use BuddyPress v4.3 because I didnt test it yet with the latest version.

If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!
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