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Asgaros Forum v2.7: Maintenance Release

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Quote from Asgaros on September 20, 2023, 6:17 am

I am happy to announce version 2.7.0 of the Asgaros Forum plugin for WordPress which comes with a couple of enhancements and bugfixes.

  • Added option which gives users the possibility to delete their own topics as long as they have no replies yet
  • Allowing adding the forum name in the title of notifications
  • Fixed malformed meta descriptions when using some special characters
  • Fixed deprecated error message in statistics
  • Improved compatibility with WP-Sweep
  • Removed themes functionality
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations
  • The required minimum PHP version is now 5.3

Reason for removed Themes Functionality

Most users were probably never aware that this feature even existed. Essentially, it allowed the creation of a themes folder from which the forum could load its stylesheets instead of using the default ones. I didn’t see a good reason to retain this feature because it essentially only allowed users to replace the existing stylesheets, but it came with the burden that after every update, changes had to be merged into the custom stylesheets. In theory, it is probably more straightforward to add custom styles in the Appearance section to apply your preferred modifications. Furthermore, this feature never provided users with the opportunity to make more complex changes to the layout and its structure, which would have been a significant benefit to its retention. Consequently, I have decided to remove this functionality entirely.

Version 2.7.0 of Asgaros Forum will be available within the next 24 hours via the WordPress Updater!



When will there be a new version because I get notifications every day that the version is not compatible with the latest wordpress version 6.6.1 NL

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