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Asgaros Forum v2.5.0: Revised Topic View

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Quote from Asgaros on June 21, 2023, 3:59 am

@n3k0 Yes, its insane. I tried so many different plugins to protect user-registration and login, but nothing is really working.

This is insane

Quote from Sam on June 23, 2023, 12:24 pm


OH THIS SO GREAT!!! I test your plugin and it works fine!


How can I manage uploaded images in admin panel?

/wp-admin/upload.php Media library doesn’t show folder /uploads/tfaf/ content.


Hi Sam,

at the moment the images are only accessible through FTP. I am also planning to extend the Plugin this year but am pretty busy with other projects now.

I also have features to protect from spamming in the pipeline.

Asgaros, N3k0 and have reacted to this post.
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Hello. When will it be possible to add emoticons on the forum?

It is already possible to add emoticons to the forum! 🙂

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Quote from on August 23, 2023, 7:51 am

Hello. When will it be possible to add emoticons on the forum?

I use the Plugin Wp-Monalisa for Smilies.

Nur ein Biker weiß, warum ein Hund seinen Kopf aus einem Autofenster steckt.
Only a biker knows why a dog sticks its head out a car window.
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