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Asgaros Forum v2.5.0: Revised Topic View

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I am happy to announce version 2.5.0 of the Asgaros Forum plugin for WordPress which comes with a revised topic view, some enhancements, and bugfixes.

Revised Topic View

I understand that design changes can be a sensitive topic, but it was time to implement a few small updates to the topic view. As you may have noticed, I have been running an experimental version of these changes on the site for a few weeks now. The most significant change is the repositioning of the author-details area from the left side to the top area of each post. This modification was necessary to address persistent bugs in the mobile view, which previously limited the display of all available information due to space constraints.

Additionally, I have made an adjustment to the content layout, allowing it to utilize the full width of the page. This change aims to draw more attention to your posts. I understand that this design change may require some adjustments on your end if you display custom content within the author-details area using hooks. However, I believe that after becoming accustomed to the fresh new look, you will appreciate the benefits, especially for mobile users.

Full Changelog

  • Revised topic view
  • Fixed wrong HTML output in forum navigation
  • Added option to define minimum time between new posts
  • Changed time limit for editing/deleting topics/posts from minutes to seconds
  • Minor design changes
  • Improved mobile design
  • Performance improvements and code optimizations
  • Compatibility with WordPress 6.2

Version 2.5.1 Changelog

  • Fixed wrong stylings when using custom colors
  • Fixed display issues on mobile navigation
  • Fixed potential error in title generation

Version 2.5.0 of Asgaros Forum will be available within the next 24 hours via the WordPress Updater!

N3k0, WoMo Olli and have reacted to this post.
If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!

Die Design-Änderung gefällt mir sehr gut. Auch wenn ich ein paar Sachen im CSS anpassen musste. Aber gerade auf dem Handy ist es jetzt echt super geworden.

Danke Thomas. Super Arbeit !!

Asgaros has reacted to this post.

Nice work @asgaros

Also… where the F! come all this spam bots? :S

Asgaros has reacted to this post.

@n3k0 Yes, its insane. I tried so many different plugins to protect user-registration and login, but nothing is really working.

N3k0 has reacted to this post.
If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!



Check please this topic with small view bug


Quote from Asgaros on June 21, 2023, 3:59 am

@n3k0 Yes, its insane. I tried so many different plugins to protect user-registration and login, but nothing is really working.

It’s a shame… maybe using a Two-factor authentication could alleviate spam a bit. 🙂

Also to suggest adding the option to upload images or svg files for the forum icons and the option to apply a dark mode to the forum.



It would also be cool to completely redo the file attachment functionality so that you can distribute attached images to certain places in posts, for example, in the form of shortcodes [img=1] [img=2] etc, and not concentrate them under the post in the form of a list – this is very inconvenient and, in my opinion, not usable.

Quote from Sam on June 23, 2023, 11:13 am


It would also be cool to completely redo the file attachment functionality so that you can distribute attached images to certain places in posts, for example, in the form of shortcodes [img=1] [img=2] etc, and not concentrate them under the post in the form of a list – this is very inconvenient and, in my opinion, not usable.

Hi @tihjawi,

to insert images directly in the post you can use my plugin “Toolbox for Asgaros Forum” and activate the inline image upload function.

Need professional help with Asgaros Forum? Book an appointment with us at domra Web Solutions for setup and customization services. Learn more about our Toolbox for Asgaros Forum plugin to enhance your forum experience.


thanks! I will test this plugin!


OH THIS SO GREAT!!! I test your plugin and it works fine!


How can I manage uploaded images in admin panel?

/wp-admin/upload.php Media library doesn’t show folder /uploads/tfaf/ content.

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