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Asgaros Forum v1.12: Ads Management & Other Improvements

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Thank you. I get it about the frequency.

I deleted this line:

$(#ad-editor textarea[name=ad_code]).html(ad_code);

and added this line:

$(#ad-editor textarea[name=ad_code]).text(ad_code);

There was no changelog section in my version of the file  /wp-content/plugins/asgaros-forum/admin/js/admin.js

It doesn’t seem to have made any difference. I do see a broken image symbol.

If I right click on the broken image I get a fresh page that has a funky address:

If I get ride of the first bit through …/forum/ and the last “/” after jpg, then I see the image. I would just move my ad folder to the forum folder, but I don’t see how to do that. 🙂

Thanks again,

Hello @stevew00t

Please try the following code – you forgot the http/https-protocol in front of the URL:

<img src="">
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Fixed. Thanks for the heads up.

Quote from Asgaros on December 4, 2018, 11:20 am

Hello again @stevew00t

With the ad-frequency you define how often an ad should appear. For example when you create an ad which should be displayed between posts with an ad-frequency of four, your ad will be shown after the 4, 8, 12, … post.

How your ad-code looks like depends on your ad-provider (for example adSense). It can be HTML-code, JavaScript-code, if you manage your ads via another WordPress-extension it also can be a shortcode. You get this information from your ad-provider. Just paste their code into the code-textfield.

@n3k0 I just fixed this problem in the development-version of the plugin. You can find the patch here:

Its just a little change in one line of code inside the /wp-content/plugins/asgaros-forum/admin/js/admin.js file around line ~211. It would be nice if you could check this fix and give me feedback if its working well for you.

Sorry for the late response, I make the changes and works perfect to me 🙂 the field no more goes to blank.


Thanks for the feedback. I already bundled the new version which fixes this problem. It should be available via the updater in the next 12 hours. 🙂

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Hallo zusammen,

kann mir jemand sagen, wo ich den Code von Adsense einfügen muss?
Wo soll das Formular sein?

Danke für eure Antworten.

Gruß Robert

Hallo @v490

Wenn du “Enable Ads” in Forum -> Settings aktiviert hast (ziemlich weit unten), dann solltest du einen neuen Admin-Menüpunkt unter Forum -> Ads finden. Dort kannst du den Code für die verschiedenen Bereiche hinterlegen.

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Quote from Asgaros on February 19, 2019, 6:53 pm

Hallo @v490

Wenn du “Enable Ads” in Forum -> Settings aktiviert hast (ziemlich weit unten), dann solltest du einen neuen Admin-Menüpunkt unter Forum -> Ads finden. Dort kannst du den Code für die verschiedenen Bereiche hinterlegen.

Danke, hat prima funktioniert.

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Quick question about Google auto ads. If I check the header option and copy/paste my auto ads code into the code section, would that enable the auto ads within the forum posts?

I think that would work, but thought I’d verify before I start injecting code since I’m not super good at the code side.

Hello @joshjaks

If you add the code to the header-section, then the add will appear in the top-area of all forum-pages.

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