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User Registration is still not working

I am using Asgaros Forum on and I believe I have correctly done the settings. I want users to have to register at the point they want to read a topic

However, users are able to read topics and posts and the system just sets them up with a testuser email. I would like to be able to send them emails after they have logged in, as well as updates on topics or posts they have viewed.

What settings do I need to use to make this require a user to register to read posts?


Is this an Asgaros issue or a Wordpress issue?  I don’t know how to get help on resolving…

Hello @yahd

Please enable the following option: Forum -> Settings -> General -> Hide posts from logged-out users.

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I understand that this will prevent them from viewing without logging in.

I don’t think this solves my goal though.  When the reader goes to the site, they are assigned a user name such as test39179495 and an email like

This is the problem I want to solve…getting a real email and user name.