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Upload videos and other files

Hi. I wonder how I can make it possible for users to share their videos or other files?

Is it enough to add the formats in the settings for allowed formats, like .mp4, .mov etc?

I think you can pretty much upload any file using the file uploads function but it might not be wise to allow certain file types for resource or security reasons. To upload videos like Youtube, for example, it would be better to type the URL of the video straight into the topic and it will get picked up and played without that video having to reside on your server. If you had lots of people uploading videos directly using file uploads, that is going to create a lot of data to store.

If your users have uploaded their videos to other video platforms, all you need to do is type in the URL of that video and it will play.

Quote from Peter0013 fnaf on January 8, 2025, 6:03 pm

Hi. I wonder how I can make it possible for users to share their videos or other files?

Is it enough to add the formats in the settings for allowed formats, like .mp4, .mov etc?

Decide on a storage solution (e.g., cloud storage like AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, or local server storage). Set a maximum file size limit to ensure that uploads do not overwhelm your server and to maintain performance.