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unsubscribe notifications


please can you help me out. im using the forum for online classes and when these over and people haven’t access anymore but subscribed to some topics they still get notifications. and they can’t unsubscribe because they have no access anymore…

And it seems that I also can’t redo this?!

So what to do? Is there a possibility to bring in a unsubscribe link in the email?

best wishes

Any news????? Its a bit annoying… 🙁

@nadals What is the actual mechanism by which they “haven’t access anymore”?  Obviously they must still be registered users on your site.  The easiest thing would to delete users when they are done; they won’t be subscribed if they don’t exist.

Still I’m waiting on feedback for this 🙁

The easiest thing would to delete users when they are done; they won’t be subscribed if they don’t exist.

Not possible because maybe a user has more than one booked class!

Hello @nadals

Not sure, but can they unsubscribe from the subscriptions-area?

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Found this thread and I see it’s not solved.

I find the same issue: a user does a course, his subscription ends, and he can no longer enter to turn off his notifications. Deleting the user is not an option because he might subscribe to another course in the future.

Does anyone know a way to, as an admin, unsubscribe a user from all forum notifications?
Or any workaround, even if it’s something like editing tables or something?