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Trouble getting started


I have attempted to set up a forum on my website but keep getting the 404 ‘page not found’ error when I attempt to visit or preview the page. There is obviously something I am not doing so I’m hoping that if I tell you what I have done so far you will be able to point me in the right direction.

  1. I downloaded the Asgaros forum plugin after searching plugins from my Wordpress dashboard page.
  2. I created a new page on my site, added the code [forum] to the text box on the new page and updated the page.
  3.  I made sure that on the forums ‘Options’ page, the forum was listed as being on the ‘forum’ page I had created and saved that option.

Not sure how to proceed from here…


Hello Rufina,

everything you did was correct. So I assume that it is a problem with your theme or one of your other plugins. Can you please try to shortly deactivate other plugins and/or switch to one of the default WordPress themes to figure out which component is responsible for the problem?

If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!


Thanks for your response

I have a default Wordpress theme (Twenty Sixteen) so I assume that is OK?

I deactivated all my plugins but still got the 404 message – it also says ‘site under construction’

The “site under construction” message is definitely not generated by the Asgaros Forum plugin. Maybe there is some configuration mistake in your webserver. Please also check your WordPress permalinks settings and ensure that your .htaccess file is correct. Maybe some error there could be responsible for a wrong generation of the links because 404 means, that the site you opened does not exist.

If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!

Thank You. I’m not sure quite which bit of that worked but it seems to be OK now  🙂 page shows as normal…