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[Suggestion] Flair tags for threads (like [Answered])

I have a suggestion for this forum software. I come from a forum that uses this forum software where I suggested to improve the forum, where I was redirected here to make that suggestion. I am just gonna repost the forum content here.

Post content:


I have a suggestion for this forum: The ability to set the flair tag of your post. This can be useful for having threads categorized for their concepts, to help keep threads alive, and keeping threads from being buried under other threads. It can also potentially prevent necroposting.

Various tag ideas:

  • (No flair tag)  = User did not choose a flair tag for their post.
  • [Question] = Question such as help with programming in VisualNeoWin, or just a general question about VisualNeo products and such.
  • [Request] = A request for something, such as a plugin, example .pub, or other things such as utilities for VisualNeoWin.
  • [Suggestion] = A suggestion for a VisualNeo product, this forum, or an improvement to the forum.
  • [Tip/Trick] = Labels a thread as a tip/trick for a VisualNeo product
  • [Poll] = Labels a thread that it centers around its poll that it set up.
  • [Answered] = A question, request, or suggestion was answered/solved/received.

How it would look like in a post title:
[Suggestion] Flair tags for threads (like [Answered])

Image of concept:

Hello @xchellx

An enhancement like this is already on my todo-list, but I cant give you any timeframe for this at the moment:

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Great, good news! I hope it will be implemented soon. Thank you.