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Subforums of Subforums

Hello Asgaros team!

I was recommended your Plugin by a friend – I was previously using BBPress. I switched over to take a look and was really loving the easy setup and the great look of the forum! However, I quickly noticed that while I can create a Forum and then create subforums for that forum, I cannot create subforums of the subforums. I found a post – like this one – here on the site from last year where someone asks the same question – Can I make subforums of subforums? – and the developer himself replied that – “Sub-Sub-Forums are not possible yet but I am in the progress of making code-adjustments which allows me to bring this and other functionalities in the future.”

I assume this is not out yet – please let me know if I’m wrong. If it is not, is there a date for its release by any chance? I want to use this plugin but, unfortunately, not having this feature is a deal-breaker and I will have to go back to BBPress for the time being.

Dindo has reacted to this post.

Hello @bigealien

Thanks for your message. Unfortunately this enhancement is still not available yet and I also cannot provide you any ETA for it. It is on my todo-list and will let you know when it becomes available. 🙂

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I also need this feature. Asgaros, please develop it.