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Spam protection suggestion – simple to implement

Hi @asgaros,

Love your forum software. It’s been running on my site for many years.

I’d like to suggest a spam protection implementation that should be easy to implement:

Require approval for someone’s first topic or post. 

  • Whenever a new user joins and creates a new topic or responds to an existing one for the first time, it requires approval.
  • They can’t create any other topic or response, until that first topic / post has been approved.
  • Only after approval of that first topic / post they will be able to add new topics and responses, who don’t need approval anymore.

Why? The spam I receive on the forum is always from newly created users (my forum doesn’t allow guests), who then create 1 to dozens of topics in a small timeframe. If I’m awake, I’m usually very fast in blocking them, but if I’m sleeping, I sometimes wake up to many new spam topics and responses.

I know I can set to approve everything, but I don’t want to do that. I trust my existing forum users, and I don’t need to monitor every topic/post.

I did some research on some of the spam posts that I got, and I found similar spam post on other asgaros forum implementation. It seems that there is a group of people out there that know that Asgaros has a weak spot from spam protection perspective.

I hope this is helpful.

Thank you and best regards,