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Registration as a new user


I have a problem with the registration for the Asgaros forum on my new website

I assume that when a new user of the forum registers, they are created as a user in WordPress with subscriber role.

I can live with the fact that the forum does not have its own registration form, but uses WP’s form.

But what does not work at all is the following: I protect my site’s webspace with a .htaccess file. When registering as a new user in the forum, the user is asked for the access data of the .htaccess file. This does not work at all. And I don’t want to do without this protection.

Unfortunately, I can’t find any options for modifying or setting the registration form in Asgaros settings in the backend.

How do I solve this problem?


Hello – I understand the security of the .htaccess file, not a typical routine. But ok I understand.

Can you explain this in greater depth? Do you want a user and password to be created in the .htaccess file also as part of the routine along with creating a user and password in wordpress? Please correct me on this.