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Posts getting deleted if title is too long?

I am utterly beside myself.  This is not the first time this has happened to me.

It seems that if the title of a forum post is too long (and I don’t know what the character limit is), then when the post is submitted, the post is not submitted/saved and it simply disappears into the ether.

I just spent two hours on a post and now it is gone.  I have several questions.

  1. Is there any hope of me finding this post in the back-end somewhere?
  2. Can this bug please be fixed?  Can you limit the title characters to the same number of characters (or one less) than this problem happens at?

Hello @cscsatc

Asgaros Forum definitely does not delete posts because of too long titles. So I assume that this issue is caused by something different: Are you using special characters or emojis inside of the title and/or posts content?

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