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posts from a specific category of the forum on a different subdomain

I have a MultiSite wordpress has a structure (forum.domain) on the main page of the forum through the widget displays the latest posts. How can I display the posts from a specific category of the forum on a different subdomain?

Hello @laza-info

Showing topics/posts in the widgets from a specific location is not possible yet. Maybe I add this in a future update but it may take a while.

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This is understandable, but how to display for example a widget latest posts from the forum (forum installed on main domain) and output the last message in a sub-domain?

Hello again @laza-info

The main-problem is that your forum is running on a separate instance of a WordPress multisite installation. Multisite installations are usually used to set-up multiple instances of WordPress which are completely separated of each other – but with the advantage that only one WordPress installation is working in the background to reduce the needed administrative work (installing updates, etc).

Because of this your main WordPress installation cannot know if another forum is running at another instance of WordPress. Another example: If you are using a forum on both instances it would be impossible for the widget to determine to which forum-instance the widget should refer to.

A widget who can break out of those boundaries would require a custom implementation of the widgets and a couple of the forum core functions.

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