Plugin error after update 1.7.1
Quote from edem155 on February 5, 2018, 7:42 amWhat can i do now?
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘*’, expecting ‘,’ or ‘;’ in /hermes/bosnaweb03b/b1484/ipg.miragesporttv/ on line 10
<?php if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit; class AsgarosForumOnline { private $asgarosforum = null; private $current_user_id = null; private $current_time_stamp = null; private $functionality_enabled = false; private $interval_update = 1 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS; private $interval_online = 10 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS; private $online_users = array(); private $online_guests = array(); private $online_guests_changed = false; public function __construct($object) { $this->asgarosforum = $object; add_action('init', array($this, 'initialize')); add_action('clear_auth_cookie', array($this, 'delete_user_time_stamp')); } public function initialize() { $this->functionality_enabled = $this->asgarosforum->options['show_who_is_online']; } public function update_online_status() { if ($this->functionality_enabled) { // Set some initial data. $this->current_user_id = get_current_user_id(); $this->current_time_stamp = $this->asgarosforum->current_time(); // Load list of online users. $this->load_online_users(); if ($this->current_user_id) { // Clean guest-counter data for logged-in user. if (isset($_COOKIE['asgarosforum_unique_id'])) { $unique_id = $_COOKIE['asgarosforum_unique_id']; // Delete cookie first. unset($_COOKIE['asgarosforum_unique_id']); setcookie('asgarosforum_unique_id', '', time() - 3600); // Remove him from online-guests list. if (isset($this->online_guests[$unique_id])) { unset($this->online_guests[$unique_id]); $this->online_guests_changed = true; } } // Get the timestamp of the current user. $user_time_stamp = get_user_meta($this->current_user_id, 'asgarosforum_online_timestamp', true); // If there is no timestamp for that user or the update interval passed, create/update it. if (!$user_time_stamp || ((strtotime($this->current_time_stamp) - strtotime($user_time_stamp)) > $this->interval_update)) { update_user_meta($this->current_user_id, 'asgarosforum_online_timestamp', $this->current_time_stamp); } // Add the user to the online list when he is not already included. if (!in_array($this->current_user_id, $this->online_users)) { $this->online_users[] = $this->current_user_id; } } else { $unique_id = uniqid(); // For guests we need a cookie with a unique id first to ensure that we do not count him multiple times. if (!isset($_COOKIE['asgarosforum_unique_id'])) { setcookie('asgarosforum_unique_id', $unique_id, 2147483647); } else { $unique_id = $_COOKIE['asgarosforum_unique_id']; } // Add the user to the online list when he is not already included. if (!isset($this->online_guests[$unique_id]) || ((strtotime($this->current_time_stamp) - strtotime($this->online_guests[$unique_id])) > $this->interval_update)) { $this->online_guests[$unique_id] = $this->current_time_stamp; $this->online_guests_changed = true; } } // Clean up existing guests-entries. foreach ($this->online_guests as $key => $value) { if ((strtotime($this->current_time_stamp) - strtotime($value)) > $this->interval_online) { unset($this->online_guests[$key]); $this->online_guests_changed = true; } } // Save guest-timestamps back into database. if ($this->online_guests_changed) { update_option('asgarosforum_guests_timestamps', $this->online_guests); } } } public function load_online_users() { $minimum_check_time = date_i18n('Y-m-d H:i:s', (strtotime($this->current_time_stamp) - $this->interval_online)); // Get list of online users. $this->online_users = get_users( array( 'fields' => 'id', 'meta_query' => array( 'relation' => 'AND', array( 'key' => 'asgarosforum_online_timestamp', 'compare' => 'EXISTS' ), array( 'key' => 'asgarosforum_online_timestamp', 'value' => $minimum_check_time, 'compare' => '>=' ) ) ) ); // Get list of online guests. $this->online_guests = get_option('asgarosforum_guests_timestamps', array()); } public function render_statistics_element() { if ($this->functionality_enabled) { $counter = count($this->online_users) + count($this->online_guests); AsgarosForumStatistics::renderStatisticsElement(__('Online', 'asgaros-forum'), $counter, 'dashicons-before dashicons-lightbulb'); } } public function render_online_information() { if ($this->functionality_enabled) { $newest_member = get_users(array('orderby' => 'ID', 'order' => 'DESC', 'number' => 1)); $currently_online_users = (!empty($this->online_users)) ? get_users(array('include' => $this->online_users)) : false; $currently_online_guests = (!empty($this->online_guests)) ? $this->online_guests : false; echo '<div id="statistics-online-users">'; echo '<span class="dashicons-before dashicons-businessman">'.__('Newest Member:', 'asgaros-forum').' <i>'.$this->asgarosforum->renderUsername($newest_member[0]).'</i></span>'; echo ' · '; echo '<span class="dashicons-before dashicons-groups">'; if ($currently_online_users || $currently_online_guests) { echo __('Currently Online:', 'asgaros-forum').' <i>'; $loop_counter = 0; if ($currently_online_users) { foreach ($currently_online_users as $online_user) { $loop_counter++; if ($loop_counter > 1) { echo ', '; } echo $this->asgarosforum->renderUsername($online_user); } } if ($currently_online_guests) { $loop_counter++; if ($loop_counter > 1) { echo ', '; } $guests_counter = count($currently_online_guests); echo sprintf(_n('%s Guest', '%s Guests', $guests_counter, 'asgaros-forum'), number_format_i18n($guests_counter)); } echo '</i>'; } else { echo '<i>'.__('Currently nobody is online.', 'asgaros-forum').'</i>'; } echo '</span>'; echo '</div>'; } } public function is_user_online($user_id) { if ($this->functionality_enabled && in_array($user_id, $this->online_users)) { return true; } else { return false; } } public function delete_user_time_stamp() { delete_user_meta(get_current_user_id(), 'asgarosforum_online_timestamp'); } }
What can i do now?
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘*’, expecting ‘,’ or ‘;’ in /hermes/bosnaweb03b/b1484/ipg.miragesporttv/ on line 10
<?php if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit; class AsgarosForumOnline { private $asgarosforum = null; private $current_user_id = null; private $current_time_stamp = null; private $functionality_enabled = false; private $interval_update = 1 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS; private $interval_online = 10 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS; private $online_users = array(); private $online_guests = array(); private $online_guests_changed = false; public function __construct($object) { $this->asgarosforum = $object; add_action('init', array($this, 'initialize')); add_action('clear_auth_cookie', array($this, 'delete_user_time_stamp')); } public function initialize() { $this->functionality_enabled = $this->asgarosforum->options['show_who_is_online']; } public function update_online_status() { if ($this->functionality_enabled) { // Set some initial data. $this->current_user_id = get_current_user_id(); $this->current_time_stamp = $this->asgarosforum->current_time(); // Load list of online users. $this->load_online_users(); if ($this->current_user_id) { // Clean guest-counter data for logged-in user. if (isset($_COOKIE['asgarosforum_unique_id'])) { $unique_id = $_COOKIE['asgarosforum_unique_id']; // Delete cookie first. unset($_COOKIE['asgarosforum_unique_id']); setcookie('asgarosforum_unique_id', '', time() - 3600); // Remove him from online-guests list. if (isset($this->online_guests[$unique_id])) { unset($this->online_guests[$unique_id]); $this->online_guests_changed = true; } } // Get the timestamp of the current user. $user_time_stamp = get_user_meta($this->current_user_id, 'asgarosforum_online_timestamp', true); // If there is no timestamp for that user or the update interval passed, create/update it. if (!$user_time_stamp || ((strtotime($this->current_time_stamp) - strtotime($user_time_stamp)) > $this->interval_update)) { update_user_meta($this->current_user_id, 'asgarosforum_online_timestamp', $this->current_time_stamp); } // Add the user to the online list when he is not already included. if (!in_array($this->current_user_id, $this->online_users)) { $this->online_users[] = $this->current_user_id; } } else { $unique_id = uniqid(); // For guests we need a cookie with a unique id first to ensure that we do not count him multiple times. if (!isset($_COOKIE['asgarosforum_unique_id'])) { setcookie('asgarosforum_unique_id', $unique_id, 2147483647); } else { $unique_id = $_COOKIE['asgarosforum_unique_id']; } // Add the user to the online list when he is not already included. if (!isset($this->online_guests[$unique_id]) || ((strtotime($this->current_time_stamp) - strtotime($this->online_guests[$unique_id])) > $this->interval_update)) { $this->online_guests[$unique_id] = $this->current_time_stamp; $this->online_guests_changed = true; } } // Clean up existing guests-entries. foreach ($this->online_guests as $key => $value) { if ((strtotime($this->current_time_stamp) - strtotime($value)) > $this->interval_online) { unset($this->online_guests[$key]); $this->online_guests_changed = true; } } // Save guest-timestamps back into database. if ($this->online_guests_changed) { update_option('asgarosforum_guests_timestamps', $this->online_guests); } } } public function load_online_users() { $minimum_check_time = date_i18n('Y-m-d H:i:s', (strtotime($this->current_time_stamp) - $this->interval_online)); // Get list of online users. $this->online_users = get_users( array( 'fields' => 'id', 'meta_query' => array( 'relation' => 'AND', array( 'key' => 'asgarosforum_online_timestamp', 'compare' => 'EXISTS' ), array( 'key' => 'asgarosforum_online_timestamp', 'value' => $minimum_check_time, 'compare' => '>=' ) ) ) ); // Get list of online guests. $this->online_guests = get_option('asgarosforum_guests_timestamps', array()); } public function render_statistics_element() { if ($this->functionality_enabled) { $counter = count($this->online_users) + count($this->online_guests); AsgarosForumStatistics::renderStatisticsElement(__('Online', 'asgaros-forum'), $counter, 'dashicons-before dashicons-lightbulb'); } } public function render_online_information() { if ($this->functionality_enabled) { $newest_member = get_users(array('orderby' => 'ID', 'order' => 'DESC', 'number' => 1)); $currently_online_users = (!empty($this->online_users)) ? get_users(array('include' => $this->online_users)) : false; $currently_online_guests = (!empty($this->online_guests)) ? $this->online_guests : false; echo '<div id="statistics-online-users">'; echo '<span class="dashicons-before dashicons-businessman">'.__('Newest Member:', 'asgaros-forum').' <i>'.$this->asgarosforum->renderUsername($newest_member[0]).'</i></span>'; echo ' · '; echo '<span class="dashicons-before dashicons-groups">'; if ($currently_online_users || $currently_online_guests) { echo __('Currently Online:', 'asgaros-forum').' <i>'; $loop_counter = 0; if ($currently_online_users) { foreach ($currently_online_users as $online_user) { $loop_counter++; if ($loop_counter > 1) { echo ', '; } echo $this->asgarosforum->renderUsername($online_user); } } if ($currently_online_guests) { $loop_counter++; if ($loop_counter > 1) { echo ', '; } $guests_counter = count($currently_online_guests); echo sprintf(_n('%s Guest', '%s Guests', $guests_counter, 'asgaros-forum'), number_format_i18n($guests_counter)); } echo '</i>'; } else { echo '<i>'.__('Currently nobody is online.', 'asgaros-forum').'</i>'; } echo '</span>'; echo '</div>'; } } public function is_user_online($user_id) { if ($this->functionality_enabled && in_array($user_id, $this->online_users)) { return true; } else { return false; } } public function delete_user_time_stamp() { delete_user_meta(get_current_user_id(), 'asgarosforum_online_timestamp'); } }
Quote from RalfSch on February 5, 2018, 9:02 amI have the same problem.
WP 4.9.2 release 250
php version 5.5.9
I have the same problem.
WP 4.9.2 release 250
php version 5.5.9
Quote from Asgaros on February 5, 2018, 9:45 amHello everyone,
I just released version 1.7.2 which should fix this “problem”. This error was caused because of an old and unsupported PHP-version which is running on your server (< 5.6.0). Please also try to contact your webhosting-provider and ask him if he can update your PHP-version to something like 5.6 or higher – ideal would be 7.2.
Versions of PHP below 5.6 are not supported by the PHP-developers anymore and dont get any security-updates. Its a high risk to use them on your live-server. The official WordPress-requirements also recommend a PHP-version of 7.2:
Hello everyone,
I just released version 1.7.2 which should fix this “problem”. This error was caused because of an old and unsupported PHP-version which is running on your server (< 5.6.0). Please also try to contact your webhosting-provider and ask him if he can update your PHP-version to something like 5.6 or higher – ideal would be 7.2.
Versions of PHP below 5.6 are not supported by the PHP-developers anymore and dont get any security-updates. Its a high risk to use them on your live-server. The official WordPress-requirements also recommend a PHP-version of 7.2: