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Moderator role not working


I had a moderator role in my wordpress installation that had no effect in Asgaros Forum. Found that it’s description was “bbp_moderator”, probably from a previous and now deleted bbpress installation.

So I deleted this role and reinstalled Asgaros Forum hoping that the moderator role would be created again but had no success.

I really would like to have a moderator role cause at the moment admins are the only role being able to moderate the forum.

Please help.

Many thanks!

Hello schlawiener,

if you want to assign the moderator role to a user, you have to go to his profile inside the WordPress backend. In the lower area you can find a checkbox. When you activate it, the user is a forum moderator.

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Hi Asgaros,

thanks for the reply.

My problem is that there is no moderator role in my wordpress installation that could be assigned to a user. Any ideas how I could create the moderator role?


Hello again, schlawiener

You dont need to create a moderator-role first. When you (with an administrator account) visit the profile of a normal user (not administrator!) on the WordPress backend and you scroll down to the end of the page, you should find a checkbox called “Forum Moderator”. Just check it and everything should work fine. If it is not there, please leave me a message again. Maybe it is some kind of bug which I can help to fix.

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Hi Asgaros,

did as you proposed, couldn’t find the “Forum Moderator” checkbox.

Please advise.


It should look like this:

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Got it now after an update of WP and new installation of AF.


I am happy to hear that everything is working now! 🙂

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