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Linking email marketing platforms (getresponse)

Hi. Firstly, thank you for such an incredible plugin.

Question (very sorry if this is answered elsewhere, did look but couldn’t find)…

Are all forum users’ email addresses saved in a database and able to be exported? Furthermore, can these email addresses be linked with an email marketing platform like getresponse (similar to mailchimp)?

Ideally would like to setup so that when a new user joins the form, their email address automatically joins getresponse list.

Hello @mattfox87

Asgaros Forum is using the user-management of WordPress so all data is stored in the WordPress user-tables. There should be plugins available to export this data and it should be also possible to connect this WordPress-data to other services. However, this is not related to the forum and I never did it before, so I suggest you to directly create a support-question regarding this in the official WordPress support-forums. 🙂

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Thanks for your quick reply and apologies about my lack of knowledge around this, quite new to wordpress as well. Which forum do you suggest i make this question on? I’d assume many forum’s would have no idea about Asgaros and how this all links…

Your question is directly related to WordPress and not to Asgaros. Asgaros Forum uses the built-in user-management of WordPress so you need a plugin which changes the behavior of WordPress itself.

You can find the official WordPress support-forums here:

If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!

Thank you! By any chance are you available (of course paid) to help connect this to a basic wordpress website? I’m assuming it wouldn’t take you long at all. Please email me at if so.

Hello @mattfox87

Unfortunately I am currently not available for additional projects because of my current full-time job and other ongoing projects. Developing a third-party connection for user-management from scratch can be a complex and time-consuming task because you have to synchronize user-data after updates between those two platforms. Additionally it must be evaluated if those third-party services provide all the necessary APIs and connectors for it. I suggest you to have a look for possible existing plugins for this purpose and contact one of the developers of those plugins.

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